Andrey Medvedev

1959 – 2010

Born on December 21, 1959, in Leningrad in an artist’s family.

In 1983 graduated “cum laude” from the department of textile of the Leningrad “Vera Mukhina” Higher Artistic-Industrial School. His graduation work – textile picture «Maternity» is made of broadcloth in the technique of intarsia (mosaic).

In 1985-1986 he joins the “New Artists” group, in collaboration with O. Kotelnikov makes animation videos for a documentary film studio, performs with “Pop-Mekhanika” rock-group.

In 1987 he curates the show "Russian Rock in Posters", which takes place in Paris, in “La Seita” gallery.


1989 A meeting of artists takes place in the central lecture-hall of the “Znaniye” (Knowledge) society’s palace with the end to sum up the results of the 80s. Among its participants are Timur Novikov, Gheorghiy Guryanov, Denis Yeghelskiy, Konstantin Goncharov,  Serghey Bugayev, Viktor Tuzov, Serghey Anufriev (Moscow-Odessa), Serghey Shutov (Moscow), Colin Fellows (Liverpool) and Andrey Khlobystin. There was made the decision to rename the New Academy of Omnifarious Arts into the New Academy of Fine Arts. The first professors of the New Academy are D.Yeghelskiy, A.Medvedev, Т.Novikov, V.Tuzov. G.Guryanov is made professor emeritus.


1991 The second exhibition on the Palace Bridge is organized by I.Movsesyan, who subsequently founds the “Palace Bridge” museum consisting of the exhibits. The exhibition is dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci. Its core is made up of works by neo-academicians: G.Guryanov (“Wrestlers”), Т.Novikov (“David Trampling Upon the Red Quadrate”), V.Tuzov (“Michelangelo and Picasso’s Dialogue”), I.Movsesyan, D.Yeghelskiy, А.Medvedev, V.Mamyshev (picture-advertisement “PTV”, “Outstanding People’s Deaths” series), О.Maslov, О.Tobreluts and others. Y.Lesnik and V.Mamyshev make a video of the show for “PTV” entitled “The Exotics of the Classical”. (The night of June 21-22).


1992 The third exhibition on the Palace Bridge entitled “Leonardo’s Extravaganza and Allegory”. The participants are Т.Novikov (“Swans”), О.Kotelnikov (“Gioconda’s Smile” – white plastic with electric bulbs), А.Khlobystin (“Leonardo-octopus”), А.Popov and others. (July). Pic. 5.


1993 Mayakovski’s Centenary. The Marble Palace of the State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg).

“Another Saint Petersburg” exhibition. G. Guryanov, B.Matveeva, О.Maslov, D.Yeghelskiy show their neo-academic works. Among the participants are Т.Novikov and А.Medvedev. The show’s catalogue containing articles by Jean-Pierre Brossard, Ewa Berard, О.Turkina and V.Mazin is published by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Martigny, Switzerland. (November 7, 1993 – January 30, 1994.)


1994 The New Academy opens on 10, Pushkinskaya square in Saint Petersburg.

Classes for students start in the New Academy’s halls. Regular shows of professors’ and students’ works are organized, as well as historical exhibitions and fashion photography shows. 


In 1994-1995 Medvedev is one of the curators of  "Passiones Luci" project, exhibited in George Soros’s Center for Contemporary Art.

1995 The special edition of the “ART” magazine is published with the article by Von Christian Troster about Saint Petersburg and the New Academy. The cover of the magazine features artist Olga Tobreluts. “ART” magazine #3, 1995, Hamburg. (March.)


The New Academy’s Museum in opened in the halls of the New Academy of Fine Arts (10, Pushkinskaya square, Saint Petersburg).

Timur Novikov becomes director of the Museum, Victor Kuznetsov is elected director of the New Academy, A.Khlobystin becomes academic secretary of the New Academy after the former secretary V.Tuzov’s death. (April 1.) 


“The Golden Ass”. Sketches and projects. Among the participants are D.Yegheskiy, А.Medvedev, Е.Ostrov, О. Maslov, V.Kuznetsov and А. Khlobystin. Curators – Е. Andreeva and Т. Novikov. The Museum of the New Academy of Fine Arts, Saint Petersburg. (June 28.)


 Since 1995 A.Medvedev is a member of the research group of  NAFA, engaged in reviving forgotten techniques of 19th century non-silver photographic printing: gum-pigmentary, glue, bromol.

Since 1995 Medvedev is head of  the teaching department of the New Academy of Fine Arts.

1997 Exhibition “North – South” in collaboration with Oleg Kotelnikov in the framework of the project “Polar Model of Art”. Presentation of the book “North – South”. Museum of the Arctic and the Antarctic, Saint Petersburg. (September 13.)


1998 The movement of the “New Serious” is founded, comprising Т.Novikov, D.Yeghelskiy, Е.Ostrov, I.Vishnyakov, G.Guryanov, S. Makarov, A. Medvedev.

The movement’s convention takes place in New York, where the New Academy was represented by Е.Ostrov and I.Vishnyakov. The manifest of the “New Serious” adopted at the convention was published in the newspaper “Khudozhestvennaya Volia” (Artistic Will). (Spring.)

In 1998-2000 Medvedev gives drawing classes in the New Academy’s halls in Mikhailoskiy Castle. 


Since 2000 the artist takes a great interest in the subject of conquering the North Pole by aeronaut Umberto Nobile, and creates a series of  paintings and works on paper with airships “Italy” and “Norway”. He works with black-and-white and infrared photography.


Andrey Medvedev died on July 27, 2010. He was buried in the graveyard of the former Nicola-Medvedskiy Monastery in Novaya Ladoga.

Odalisque 6 - 2002-2007
Odalisque 6



The RNA Foundation is a cultural platform that aims at promoting established as well as up and coming Russian artists and creative individuals. Founded by Victoria Golembiovskaya, the RNA utilizes its wide reaching connections to provide support and exposure to artists, facilitating their relations with curators, dealers and critics. With experience in art management and curating Golembiovskaya established RNA in order to contribute to the Russian art education system, diversifying its narrow scope and implementing a wider, international engagement.


By providing space and means for artists to develop their practice, our goal is to establish a constantly expanding and developing network, where the Russian contemporary art scene can be introduced to a wider art market, galleries and institutions across the globe. To do so, an exploration of new ideas is needed, as well as an active expanding of boundaries of the media available. This progressive outlook allows us to bring out the collaborative potential of not only museums and galleries we work with, but also of other foundations, auction houses and art institutions.


One aspect of our future projects is to establish a series of workshop spaces that will provide an interdisciplinary environment for Russian artists from all backgrounds and with varying degree of experience. Serving as a meeting point and an exchange ground for cultural capital, these work and gallery spaces would also function as lecture theatres for educational purposes and public events. We also plan to create residencies between Russian and international artists, where we hope to instigate a much needed cross-fertilization and collaboration.


However in order to realize such varied projects, we often need financial support whether from an individual, patron, trust or company. Philanthropy and charity are important factors in realizing any cultural project and we would be happy to work with you, directing the need of social engagement and cultural support through RNA’s activities.


Active since 2008, RNA Foundation is an exciting, passionate organization that has exhibited and curated around the world, devoting our focus on international artistic progression.

Art Advisory


Before launching the RNA Foundation in 2008, Victoria Golembiovskaya worked as a film producer and artistic director, gaining a vast experience in art management and further expanding her knowledge of history of art, which has graned the RNA foundation an original place and point of view within the international art community.

Our service is second to none; we provide consultations for the establishment and maintenance of private collections, as well as for large-scale curatorial projects. We have the contacts and resources to get a hold of rare works from all over the world for both private and public clients. In the last three years alone the RNA Foundation has produced shows in London, Moscow and Venice, handling valuable works in unprecedented environments, with a priority in presenting them in unique yet elegant manner. While maintaining a high standard and a rigorous vision we tailor our services to the client.

As a consultant, we go further than most agencies, providing legal advice for sales, organizing transportation of art works, and of course taking care of the acquisition process, operating on a strictly confidential basis.



Katerina Tesa
+7 926 2497367